Pampered Pet Expo

The Pampered Pet Expo is coming to Orlando, Florida August 8th – 10th and will be held at the Orange County Convention Center – West Building, Hall WC.  This family oriented event is geared toward a very special family member, your pet! So come join over 5,000 attendees that are pampering their pets, enjoying great entertainment, and having tons of fun!

The Pampered Pet Expo is wide-ranging and will include many exhibitions; such as animal care, first aid, flea products, apparel, jewelry, collars, costumes, tags, strain removers, grooming, boarding, pet training, nutrition, cookies, organics, food, snacks, pet sitter, kennels, toys, strollers, spa products, books, music, videos, gifts, insurance, day cares, health products, beds, houses, pet websites, and much, much more! For more information please visit the Pampered Pet Expo.

Professionals will be on site to answer any questions you might have about your pet.  Come enjoy this fun filled expo of fur, feathers, fins, and FUN!