Inaugural Relay for Life at I-Drive Raises Funds for a Cure

ORLANDO, FL—The first International Drive Relay for Life raised a total of $53,351.00 during the April 11-12 fund-raising event at Festival Bay Mall.
The I-Drive Resort Area’s 19 participating teams and 146 participants surpassed the original goal of $40,000. Honorary chair of the event, Luann Brooks, executive director of the I-Drive Master Transit and Improvement District, said that the event was a huge success in its first year and that plans call for making this a yearly event in the International Drive Resort Area. The 11 members of the I-Drive district team raised almost $5,000, coming in third place out of the 19 participating.
“We appreciate the participation and support from our tourism industry in this first I-Drive Relay for Life and look forward to expanding it next year to raise our goals even higher. In 2008, at least 1.3 million people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. This is a very personal event for me and for the district staff. We have all been touched by this disease through family members, friends and neighbors. It is fitting that International Drive, a world famous family vacation destination, should be one of the area’s locations for Relay for Life and we are already making plans for 2009,” she said.
As the national fund-raising event of the American Cancer Society, this unique, fun-filled day- and-a- half offers everyone in the community an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer. Teams are formed from businesses, families, churches, friends and service organizations, all to support the American Cancer Society’s mission: eliminating cancer as a major health problem, saving lives and diminishing suffering from the disease. During the event, team members take turns walking around the track. Each participant is encouraged to raise at least $100.
To participate in the 2009 International Drive Relay for Life, visit: or contact Chad Buschell at 407-843-8680 (ext. 2534) or

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