Support I-Drive's Sixth Annual Angel Tree Program This Holiday

The International Drive Improvement District is partnering with the Salvation Army and WKMG-TV for its sixth annual Angel Tree program this holiday season.
Since 1865, the Salvation Army has been supporting those in need with this nationally recognized program that provides new clothing or toys for underprivileged children. The structure of the program makes it easy and convenient for everyone to help a child during the holidays!

A sponsoring company or corporation places a Christmas tree in a secure, high-pedestrian traffic area or lobby throughout the I-Drive area. The tree is decorated with numbered paper angel tags with the first name, age and gender of a child who will receive the gift. Contributors remove one or more tags from the tree and purchase the appropriate clothing for the child or children described on the tags. The sponsoring organization also serves as a secure collection point for the gifts until they are picked up by one of the District Staff or dropped-off at our main location for collection: December 12, 2007, 8:00am – 11:00am, at Maggiano’s Little Italy located in Pointe Orlando.
“This year we are asking our I-Drive Partners to help join us in helping area children in need by sponsoring a tree at their highly visible locations, says Luann Brooks, executive director of the I-Drive master transit & Improvement District.
“This is a wonderful way for the hospitality industry to become involved in this worthwhile holiday activity.”
The District began participating in this program in 2002 and each year it continues to grow. This year, the District plans to distribute more than 800 Angels to its partners and to provide clothing and toys for 4,500 children within the Orange County community. The objective is to provide gifts of only new clothing for children whose families registered for holiday assistance or children from child care centers and foster homes.
How Partners May Help
- Provide a holiday tree in a centrally located area such as an employee break room, employee dining room, human resources department or a hotel lobby. The District will provide the Angels to place on each tree.
- Provide a place for the “Adopt-an-Angel” (12” x 18”) instruction sign and a secure area for employees or guests to place the unwrapped gifts.
- Please join us on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007 at Maggiano’s Little Italy Restaurant in Pointe Orlando for a free continental breakfast from 8 am-11 am to drop off your Angel Tree donations. If you are unable to attend please call for pick-up.